Daily Devotional: Read Galatians 4:8–11
Sin is a relentless opponent. Satan and his forces do not sit idly by as Christians gain victory over their vices. Though the power of evil is curbed, it is still painfully effective. And even as we follow Christ, we are still in a spiritual war.
The enemy delights in exploiting our weaknesses. He loves to lure the addict back to a substance of choice. He loves to pull a victim back to an abusive relationship. He loves to persistently poke at our wrong thinking, our rogue emotions, or our unhealthy habits.
Paul knew this danger well. He wrestled with his sin nature in Romans 7:14–25. He understood the willingness of the wicked forces and the weakness of the human heart. But he also knew the power and grace found in God.
In Galatians 3:6–4:7, Paul presented a carefully crafted argument for justification by faith and the freedom it brings from the Law. Now he takes a break from theological instruction to confront the Galatians directly. He points out the folly of the Galatians’ actions. He reminds them of their former state, “when [they] did not know God” and were slaves to the evil powers (v. 8). And he contrasts that with their current position. They “know God” in an intimate and familial way. They are His children (v. 6). Paul even emphasizes that God Himself initiated that relationship. He pursued and adopted them. They are “known by [Him]” (v. 9).
Then Paul asks: Why are you turning back to those evil forces? Do you want to be enslaved again? (v. 9). His frustration is evident. He even takes their behavior as a personal affront. They have used his time and energy, and he fears that his investment in them has been in vain (v. 11).
Go Deeper
Have you watched a loved one return to sin? In what ways do you wrestle with your own sin nature? How does being “known by God” give us reason and strength to overcome?
Pray with Us
Sovereign Lord, may we heed and remember Paul’s passionate appeal to Galatians when they turned away from the things of God. Bind us to You and to other believers by Your love. Give us strength to persevere in following You!
How is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?