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Tempted in Every Way

Dr. Bradley Baurain

Daily Devotional: Read Hebrews 4:14–16

On June 28, 2023, New York Yankees pitcher Domingo German threw a perfect game against the Oakland A’s. A “perfect game” in baseball is when the pitcher gives no walks and allows no hits. No other pitcher had accomplished this feat in over a decade!

We could say that Jesus pitched a “perfect game” against temptation! His purpose in becoming human and living a sinless life was to rescue us from the power of sin and death. His sacrificial death and resurrection accomplished that (past tense). In our lives, He’s still accomplishing that purpose (present tense) as He helps us battle against temptation.

“Therefore,” on this basis, “let us hold firmly to the faith we profess” (v. 14). Jesus is our “great high priest” (see also Heb. 2:17). Trusting in Him moves us from the dominion (reign) of darkness to His kingdom of light (Col. 1:12–14). To stand firm includes the pursuit of righteousness, since to sin would be to choose contrary to our own redemption.

While Jesus “has ascended into heaven” (see Acts 1:7–11), He also remains here with us always (Matt. 28:20). Because He was “tempted in every way, just as we are,” He’s able to empathize with us (v. 15). “Empathize” means “to understand and share the feelings of another.” Jesus knows what we’re going through because He went through it, too. While He never sinned, He does understand our experience of temptation.

As a result, when we face temptation, we can pray with absolute confidence for Christ’s help (v. 16). When we approach His throne, we remind ourselves that He is King and in complete control. His mercy and grace are available to us. His help is what we need—He has won and will win the victory!

Go Deeper

What does it mean to live in the “dominion” or under the reign of “darkness”? How does recognizing Christ’s sovereignty, His complete control, change our view of temptation?

Pray with Us

We acknowledge that we are often slow to confess our sins and quick to deceive ourselves. We tend to focus on the sin of others while passing over our own. Father, bring us to Your throne of grace where we can repent and be forgiven.

[Jesus] has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.

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