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Can We Resist Temptation?

Dr. Bradley Baurain

Daily Devotional: Read Matthew 6:5–15

Temptation. It is something we all struggle with, and it traces back to the very beginning of humanity. Temptation has persisted to this day. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, new believers or seasoned saints, we have all experienced the desire to do the things that we know we shouldn’t.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus provides a key response. There are at least five parts to this prayer: (1) praise (v. 9); (2) a call for God’s will to be done in our lives and in the world (v. 10); (3) a petition for our daily needs (v. 11); (4) a request to give and receive forgiveness (vv. 12, 14–15); and (5) an appeal to be protected and delivered from temptations, trials, and Satan (v. 13). Notice that the entire prayer is grounded in our relationship with our heavenly Father (v. 9).

This final portion of the Lord’s Prayer urges us to commit this fight against temptation to prayer: “Lead us not into temptation” (v. 13). To be tempted is not sin, but it can quickly become one if we give in to it. When we pray this way, we admit that we need God’s help. We are not alone in this struggle.

How can we resist temptation? Our first strategy is prayer! We don’t call out to the Lord as a last resort, but at the very start. Second, we can trust what God has promised. We know that God Himself never tempts us (more on that in Day 3)—He is always on our side. Finally, we can trust that God will never let us be tempted beyond what we can bear, but He will always provide a way out (see 1 Cor. 10:13). Be assured that with God on your side, temptation can be defeated!

Go Deeper

In what specific area(s) do you struggle with temptation? As you begin this study, commit that struggle to God in prayer.

Pray with Us

Thank You, Lord, for teaching Your disciples (and us) how to pray. Thank You for showing us that our fight with temptation and sin should always start with coming to You in prayer.

Lead us not into temptation.

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