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Dr Brian Lee

Daily Devotional 1 Samuel 16:11–23

It goes without saying that to be hired for a job, you must have the skills the position requires. But apart from abilities, education, or experience, what kind of character does an employer look for?

You are my LORD; apart from you I have no good thing.

PSALM 16:2

When God’s presence departed from King Saul, who was tormented by an evil spirit (v. 14), he asked his servants to find someone with musical skill on the lyre. But rather than asking his servants to find someone with good character, this fallen leader simply asked them to “find someone who plays well” (v. 17). One of his servants went above and beyond, listing the qualifications of a certain son of Jesse. Yes, this young man knew how to play the lyre, but he was also “a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the Lord is with him” (v. 18).

While skills and abilities are important in any position, the final attribute that this wise, nameless servant listed stands apart from the others. “And the LORD is with him” is a phrase you will probably not find on any resume or LinkedIn bio. Nevertheless, what qualification for a job, especially for a position in ministry, is more important than this one? David himself knew this, for this future king writes later in Psalm 16:2 “You are my LORD; apart from you I have no good thing.”

The contrast in 1 Samuel between David and Saul is striking. It is simply the difference between someone who fears the Lord and walks in His presence and the one who doesn’t. How true for any employee, employer, parent, friend, leader, or pastor! No matter what our calling is, may our lives reflect the qualifications of David and the likeness of the Son of David— Jesus, our Lord and King.

Go Deeper

What about you? Would the phrase “and the Lord is with this person” appear on your list of qualifications? Ask God to walk before you and beside you in all things.

Pray with Us:

We may not have King David’s musical talent, but we want to sing to You, God, from our hearts like David did. Give us courage and confidence to step out boldly, remembering that You delight in our praise to You.

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