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Kelli Worrall

Daily Devotional Exodus 3:1–4:31

When researchers asked 50 people over the age of 95 what they would do differently, their top three answers were: reflect more, invest in more long-living projects, and take more risks. While Scripture doesn’t advocate taking risks for risks’ sake, we do see God’s people following His leading boldly into the unknown.

Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?


Take Moses. He was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, when the angel of the Lord appeared to him (3:2). When Moses went to investigate, God Himself called his name (3:4). Then, God instructed Moses to remove his sandals. This was a holy encounter with the Almighty God (3:5–6), and Moses responded with understandable fear.

God then got straight to the point: “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (3:10). Moses recoiled, doubting his qualifications (3:11), his reception (3:13), and his ability (4:10). But God patiently responded by promising His presence (3:12). God reminded Moses of His identity (3:14). And God gave Moses clear instructions on how to speak and work in His power (3:15– 4:9). This was God’s project; it did not belong to Moses.

In the end, Moses obeyed. With Jethro’s blessing, he and his family started back to Egypt, where Moses had been raised. Aaron joined them along the way (4:27). When they arrived in Egypt, they immediately gathered all the Israelite leaders, and Aaron shared with them everything that the Lord has said (4:30). Moses performed the signs that prove God’s power. The Israelites believed and worshiped (4:31).

Moses was a reluctant leader. In part, his self-doubt kept him humble and dependent. But his fear almost paralyzed him. Courage isn’t an absence of fear. We love God when we choose to obey despite our fear, trusting God’s power to make the way.

Go Deeper

In what ways have you boldly obeyed the Lord? Is He calling you to step out in faith right now?

Pray with Us:

Moses’ story in today’s reading is a wonderful example of obedience. Like him, we may struggle with insecurities and doubts. But like Moses, we too have Your presence and guidance. We love You, Lord, and we praise Your name!

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