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Writer's picture: Champion FM RadioChampion FM Radio

Daily Devotional John 1:1–13

According to NASA, roughly 68 percent of the universe is made of dark energy and 27 percent is made of dark matter. That means approximately 95 percent of the universe is consumed in total darkness. That fact should make us even more thankful to God for creating the sun that gives light to the earth and the moon that reflects that light.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

JOHN 1:5

The Apostle John opens his Gospel by explaining that the Word is One Who always existed and Who created everything (vv. 1–3). John would later explain that this Word is Jesus Christ (v. 14). In Jesus existed life, physical and spiritual. This life was and is given for all mankind (v. 4). The spiritual darkness of this world is no match for the light that Jesus illuminates (v. 5).

Light has the ability to attract or repel. We see light’s powerful attraction in the Nativity story. The Magi from the east came to Jerusalem drawn by the light from His star. When they arrived, they wanted to know, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him” (Matt. 2:2). The star would appear again and lead the Magi directly to Jesus (Matt. 2:9).

Light doesn’t leave people neutral. We see this principle again when Jesus told Nicodemus, “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Jesus is the Light of the world, and He will not leave us unchanged.

>> December has arrived, and as we begin our journey toward Christmas, we realize that (in the northern hemisphere) December is the darkest month of the year. In December we experience the longest night of the year. Join us in giving thanks to God for the gift of His Son, Jesus. He has brought light to the world. We are also thankful that He has chosen us to reflect His light.

Pray with Us

Through the long, dark nights this winter, we thank You, Lord, that in You we have found “the light of all mankind,” the light that “shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5).

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